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Additional Resources


Protected: SCC Constitution – Incorporated Association Rules
Protected: SCC Constitution – Incorporated Association Rules

Snug Christian Church’s Constitution as an incorporated association.

What is the gospel?

Check out this great introduction to the essential message of the gospel (don’t let the title put you off!).


Identity – What God has to say about being true to yourself and living a genuine and authentic life.

The Holy Spirit and the Spiritual Realm

Who is the Holy Spirit?

Tongues and Prophecy

What does it mean to be baptised in the Spirit?

Demons, Darkness and walking in the supernatural

Relationship between church and state:

Lecture to students in Australia on the relationship between church and state. 



Evangelical Feminism and Biblical Truth Chapter 1 – by Wayne Grudem. This is copyright by Crossway but used with permission. To purchase the book, see or Koorong.


Men and Women – Celebrating Equality and Enjoying the Difference – Part 1 (by Andrew Heard for EV church):

Men and Women – Celebrating Equality and Enjoying the Difference – Part 2 (by Andrew Heard for EV church):


Website Link to Video:



A Lecture by Andrew Maskell for the University Fellowship of Christians:



Ray Galea teaching on money, wealth, poverty and a Biblical approach to it all.


Engaging with Islam:

Samuel Green on understanding and engaging with the Islamic worldview


A Lecture by Mikey Lynch for the University Fellowship of Christians:


A website by Joe Towns on Pentecostalism, discussing many common questions:



Food for thought with John Lennox on the “7 days that divide the world”. 


Historicity and Reliability of the Bible and the message about Jesus:

Jesus – History or Legend?

Reliability of the Biblical Manuscripts

Sermon Classics:

John Piper’s “Seashells Sermon”:

Shocking Youth Message – by Paul Washer:


From 1741 – by Jonathan Edwards:


Teaching Tips from Preacher’s Workshop: